Please join us Sundays at 10:30AM at 114 Downs Ave, Halifax for our in-person service. Viewing via our Facebook site is available; streaming begins at the same time as the service.

WHERE IS OUR CHURCH LOCATED? We meet at Halifax Christian Academy, 114 Downs Ave., in Fairmount sub-division off Joseph Howe Drive. Turn up Springvale Ave.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT HOME GROUP - STILL ACTIVE. Join us for our weekly Bible study on Wednesday evenings at 7 Ross Street, Or if it not possible for you to attend just join us on Zoom. Here is the link for the Wednesday evening meeting. Wednesday Zoom Meeting link

Living Hope Community Church rests firmly in certainty of Christ's life in uncertain times like these. We have a unique opportunity as the family of GOD to let His life in us show the hope and confidence we have in Christ regardless of our circumstances. We pray Christ's wisdom and assurance will guide and comfort you in these challenging times.

Thankfully there are now fewer cases of the Novel Coronavirus Virus in Nova Scotia. Provincial health authorities continue to provide great information to protect yourself and your family. Visit their website

MORE GOOD NEWS: Living Hope Halifax is offering another season of Upward Basketball for children ages 6-12. Registration is now open!

So just click the link here to learn more about Upward Sports basketball on our Sports webpage. click here


If you would like to receive our prayer guide and aren't already receiving it please let us know, we would be happy to send it...

Continue to depend on the Lord, experience His peace living through us and stay safe.

Through the power of dependence on Christ, let's show and share God's love and hope during these difficult times. People are afraid, His Love experienced through His Life takes away all fear - Let's share the hope of His Life

Living Hope Community Church

We meet at Halifax Christian Academy, 114 Downs Ave., in Fairmount sub-division off Joseph Howe Drive. Turn up Springvale Avenue. Come and enjoy God's presence as we gather to focus on Christ, The Author and Finisher of our faith.

Living Hope has a relaxed, comfortable environment, with a contemporary flavour, periodically interspersed with great hymns of the faith.

If you do not have a church home, we would be honored to have you consider becoming a part of our fellowship.

Living hope community church is a place where there really is family in a world so filled with fakeness and wearing masks that tire us out and leaves us empty, longing for something more...

There is a place where the people are real not fake, authentic not disingenuous, caring not callous, it's a place where people are free to discover who God really is and a life that is far better, far richer, far more meaningful than they ever dreamed it could be!

The authenticity doesn't come from a place it comes from a Person. His name is Jesus - and He came to provide a way that we could have the security of His life giving Spirit

The people are real because they are secure in who they are and because of the way they know Jesus. Come discover the life you've always dreamed of deep down but had lost hope of ever discovering - all things are possible with God.

Come and join the fun at Upward Sports click here



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Our Vision

A vibrant Christian family, reaching the world through Christ one person at a time!

Our Mission

Relying on Christ, as He grows reproducing disciples through us.

Why we exist

Our church exists to lift Jesus up so that all who look to Him will find unending grace, contagious joy and outragious freedom.

Our Website

The goal of our website is to provide you with the info you need about worship service times, ministries and events as well as helpful resources and tools. It's about staying connected to our church community.

Our ministries

Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community. Whether you are a student, single or married there is a ministry designed for you. More

Pastor Ian MacFarlane opens his heart and shares what he is thinking.

Sunday Service 10:30 am Halifax Christian Academy
114 Downs Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia

We are located in the Fairvmount subdivision area of Halifax, Nova Scota.